Friday, February 27, 2009

And so it begins...

Setting: I'm in my bed, watching Boondock Saints and I don't feel like getting out of bed because somewhere, my cat is on the prowl waiting for my leg to touch the floor before me leaps upon it...

So "Mid-Winter Break" started officially today, though I've been done with classes since 12 35P.M. Thursday. I slowly packed my stuff yesterday , constantly being distracted by either the TV, Anthony's guitar, talking to people via AIM/MSN/Facebook, but somehow it got done. I ended up watching movies until like 5A.M. I am starting to be more and more certain that I have insomnia.

Today, I got up around 10A.M. (hooray 5 hours of sleep). I ran around 3/4 of campus doing random things that I should've done yesterday...Then I get a text from Timmy and find out he was brilliant and left his charger in his room. So, then I had to get that and drop it off at the Fisher building. Finally, around 1 I leave for good ol' Cornflake Capitol. But before that, I went to Guitar Center to play around with some guitars and pick up guitar strings.

Hooray Ernie Ball.
So what was suposed to be a 10-15 min stop to get some strings ended up being 2 hours...

Stupid weather...I really hope the weather becomes somewhat spring-like...Otherwise this could be a slightly un-eventful spring break. I've wanted to go Mountain Biking for a really long time...

Free boat ride for three! Who should I take... Keith...and...T-Pain!

Friday, February 20, 2009

This is your brain on SKA

After a long week of work and HW it's finally FRIDAY. Too bad I woke up at 8am for no apparent reason, and could'nt fall back asleep. So I decided to take my car to the Ford dealer to get them to fix the maracas in my door, and the mouse out of my storage bin. Instead of waiting, they decided to be nice to me and give me a free loaner. I was expecing a Focus or Taurus (like they usualy give), but to my surprize, they gave me a 2008 Fusion. The best thing is, it was a level up on mine (SEL vs SE) and had automatic climate control, SYNC (you talk to the car and so on), and a more powerful engine. As nice as it is, I want mine back.

Things to do tonight:
-go somewhere random
-watch the Wings game

So I decided to post YouTube music videos along with my blog, so:

Gotta love sideburns and Blue glasses. Best whistling solo, EVER.

And, to close it, one of my videos that I made for the news last week. It is not a weekly segment featuring a new player(s) each week

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Can I be your memory?

Sitting here in a dark room trying to focus on my Ethics HW. Stupid journal nonsence.

On the other hand, I'm listening to pretty much my favorite (non-ska) bands ever. Sugarcult. I never really bought CD's (usualy downloaded songs or borrowed CD's from friends) but I bought Start Static back in 2001 and loved it. The Palm Trees and Power Lines album is probably what got me interested in guitar, and I can still remember how to play "Memory" for the most part.

Now back to studying.