Thursday, December 11, 2008

There can only be ONE HIGHLANDER!

Yay, FINALS are over! (Fuck I Never Actually Learned Shit)...

Going home tomorrow, being reunited with my Fuzh! Pretty much going on a road trip to nowhere when I get her back...I've been through withdrawls...

Somewhat excited for next semester to start. Exciting classes like Study of Film, Intro to Russian, and Video Production along with some not so fun classes like Stats, Ethics, and MacroEcon ( at least that ones online and starts in march!)

My schedule is amazing as well:
Monday: Film (1-2:15) and Video Prod. (6:40-9:10)
Tuesday: Ethics(11:20-12:35) and Russian (5:15-6:30)
Wednesday: Film (1-2:15) and Stats (6:40-9:10)
Thursday: Ethics(11:20-12:35) and Russian (5:15-6:30)
Friday: Sleeping In 355 (optional attendance)

Night classes rock, every one I've had so far always lets out early and 2 night classes are once a week, amazing. Creating a schedule like this takes talent.

Along with that, few events that I plan on attending; NAIAS (DETROIT CAR SHOW) Can't wait to see the 2nd gen Fusion in person. Just found out via Gmail that Streetlight and Reel Big Fish are playing in Royal Oak on Jan 13th...definitely going.

Hopefully this semester I can get a job....need money to spend on car...argh...

Crappy Version, but Amazing song. Their songs have words that I could live by.


TIMMMAY!!! said...

the auto show with timmy and mina, perhaps?

okay, i think that's a great idea too. Then it's settled!

Oh..and roro can come too.

The Ukrainian One said...

If Roro doesn't come I might kill myself...I dunno if I could surive the your spastic self and Mina's constant abuse of my zipper...definitely wearing a hoody this year.