Saturday, November 29, 2008

Damn you, Rick Astley

On Thursday, this great nation of ours was officially Rick Rolled.... god damn.
On the other hand, I downloaded the new Hollywood Undead album...great stuff. Almost as good as Family Force 5.

Is it bad that this song makes me laugh?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Car Go Crunch update

So, the total came out to be 3200 from one shop and 3500 from the other. Luckily my insurance is going to cover it for only $500 deductible. I also got lucky and my insurance isn't going up per say; I only ended up losing my "good drivers discount".

My week just got a little bit about this 7 page paper + video...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Car go crunch...

I was driving down the highway, when a van pulls into the lane in front of me. I start slowing down because it was raining and I didn't feel like getting sprayed with water. Then I see a small car pass me and the van on the right then try to change lanes in front of the van, literally...There was probably a foot of room from the front of the van to the other car. the car then pulls back into the other lane and speeds off. When the car pulled in front of the van, the driver slammed on the brakes, and being about 33 and raining/sleeting the road was wet and I slammed on my brakes and tried pulling into the shoulder to avoid the van. There was a broken down abandoned car in the shoulder...go figure. So I end up hitting the van going about 45-50 and to make the story short, my car is fucked. Both me and the van driver agreed that the small car cut him off and that I would've avoided it all if that broken car was least the cop understood me and didn't end up giving me a ticket.

So, now I'm stuck at school without a car and sometime this week will find out how much it costs to fix the car (my guess is at least 1500-2500) and how much my insurance will go up...Fuck my life... 4 years of driving and I've never had any tickets or been pulled over for any reason and then I go out on a Saturday feeling good and everything down down the drain...

Monday, November 10, 2008


So my friend convinced me to try this out...Considering the fact that I don't have many thoughs, I'm not sure how often I will "blog". This will probably turn into a place used more for me putting pictures of my car here...ha